Friday, June 5, 2009

Musicians Climb to Clean Water

L. Tate

Lupe Fiasco and Kenna are teaming up to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa in an effort to raise awareness about the water crisis.

"My dad almost died as a child from waterborne diseases in Ethiopia, and he had talked to me about digging a well there, and I thought, 'I have too many friends who would be concerned with the subject of clean water. Maybe I can help out,' " Kenna told Elle magazine in a recent interview.

The MC and the experimental rapper/singer have been training up to four times a week to prepare for the trek. They are focused on getting their oxygen consumption levels up and getting in fitter shape. The climb is at least a week long, and the lyricists will climb carrying approximately 30 pounds of equipment on their backs. The mission will bring the artists to the highest point in Africa, which boasts breathtaking views and three inactive volcanos. Though the climb is popular among tourists, the altitude and low temperature make this a difficult and dangerous hike. Those who make the climb typically suffer from shortness of breath, headaches and discomfort due to the limited amount of breathable oxygen. They are set to embark on their journey this fall. Props!

Hey you! Yes you. By the way, you dont have climb 15,000+ feet to help solve East Afica's extremely severe water problem. Often water is a several hours walk away from villages. Once retrieved, the water is often painfully carried back home to needy families via the efforts and strong backs of local women, only to be crawling with bacteria. This water is desperately consumed and used for cooking et cetera while still unsanitary. Last year, more than 2.2 MILLION children under the age of 5 died from water-born illnesses like diarrhea. Check out and to get more information and MAKE A DONATION. WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBILE. You can also google key words such as water+crisis or africa+organizations to discover well over 10 other organizations' websites and region-specific efforts for this cause. You'll be suprised how much change $10 per pay check can make in the WORLD. For the price of a cheap car, YOU can literally
save thousands. Let's get it.

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