Thursday, February 4, 2010

Georgia Bill Would Protect Youth from Aggressive Military Recruiting

(APN) ATLANTA--On January 28, 2010, state legislators, and advocates from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Georgia, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Southeast Region, and other groups held a press conference at the State Capitol to introduce a resolution to protect Georgia children from abusive military recruiting.

The legislation, HR 1219, was authored by State Rep. Stephanie Stuckey Benfield, who represents District 85 in DeKalb County. Ten co-sponsors have signed on to the House resolution, including State Reps. Alisha Thomas Morgan, Michelle Henson, Karla Drenner, Kathy Ashe, and Simone Bell.

State Sen. Nan Orrock has introduced a companion resolution, SR 955, in the State Senate. Co-sponsors include State Sens. Gloria Butler, Horacena Tate, Valencia Seay, Vincent Fort, and Ed Harbison.

The federal No Child Left Behind Act, passed by US Congress in 2001, requires schools--among other things--to disclose 11th and 12th grade students' records to military recruiters or lose their federal funding. Peace activists sometimes refer to this act as "No Child Left Un-Recruited."

"As a parent, it is necessary that school children aren't contacted by military recruiters without the parents' knowledge and consent," State Rep. Benfield told Atlanta Progressive News.

"To join the Armed Services is a major life-changing decision that requires parental involvement. Our school system needs to be more uniform and pro-active to give parents information up-front, regarding opt-out forms that prohibit schools from disclosing students' records to military recruiters," Benfield said.

Check out the rest of this great report on Atlanta Progressive News

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