Friday, May 29, 2009

Keep It Loose Keep It Tight

I normally don't listen to much pop music but I make an exception for this guy who has a unique, beautiful voice and is a very talented songwriter. I first heard Amos Lee on NPR. He was "discovered" by Norah Jones, who is the daughter of Ravi Shankar. She heard him playing in a bar and asked if she could play on his next album, he replied "what album?" Years and albums later, and his music is on tv.

A very positive song for balance recorded live at Abbey Road

I'm sure you've heard this on a commercial AT&T or Target

keep on dreamin' Amos

Thursday, May 28, 2009

David Stanley Freeman

I have looked up to this guy for many years. To say we did not meet as friends would be an understatement. He was my recent ex's boyfriend, and I was his girlfriends recent ex. One year later we were living under the same roof and had become brothers in friendship. It is impossible not to like the man. He is undoubtedly my favorite social commentator, making everyone around him laugh. He has the innate ability of saying things most people won't and getting away with it. I have neither read nor heard a more brilliantly descriptive voice. He breaks down the most complex systems and issues in a way that makes you feel smarter for having seen through his eyes for a moment. Imagery drips from his pen and flys from his lips. He is well known around Atlanta and loved by those who know him. Three Cheers to my hero DJ DSF!!!

A Little Something to Brighten Up the Day

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What a Wonderful World!

Credit Alice Collins with this find,

Paving the way for peace!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Best is Yet to Come

With kids like this our future seems brighter.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Update: Obama Signs Credit Card Legislation into Law

Obama credit signing

"We're not going to give consumers a free pass... We expect consumers to live within their means and pay what they owe. But we also expect financial institutions to act with the same sense of responsibility that the American people aspire to in their own lives."
President Obama

Consumers Union has a great breakdown of the legislation

Roads to Peace

Roads to Peace is a wonderful movement that brings together people of warring nations in order to find peace.

My friend Nick just told me about another path for peace, which is peace steps, if you are on the west coast it is easy to get involved.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Peaceful Instrumentals

Providing Positive Sound

I'm enjoying everything I hear by Sound Providers. Production team, Jay and Soulo, have been crafting their sound since the late 90's. Their tracks are melodic and smooth and tend to make your head nod. They have worked with many vocalists and rhyme sayers but have found a groove with Surreal. Check out his track The Pursuit, it's the second one down on his site, wow. There are some Christian references but mostly positive universal concepts involving love, positivity, and awareness.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Words of wisdom

"Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self transformation."
Lao Tzu

"Sometimes your Joy is the source of your Smile but sometimes your Smile is the source of your Joy."
Thich Nhat Hahn

You Can Save the Planet

National Resources Defense Council,or NRDC is an amazing source for everyone who loves animals. This site is a wealth of information and, if you sign up, will keep you up to date on issues involving wildlife and the environment. For example:
-Reviving Our Oceans
-White House Announces Ground-Breaking Global Warming Pollution Standards for Cars and Trucks
-Tell Your Senators to Save Our Waterways from Uncontrolled Pollution
-Urge the EPA to Protect Kids from Dangerous Pesticides in Pet Flea Products
This site makes it really easy to change the world for the better. Please take the time to check out the site, sign up, and make a difference.

Carols Corner: If creatures can display compassion, humans can as well!


These little bunnies, about 6 days old, were attacked by a dog and
orphaned. Two out of the litter of five did not survive, and these three
were not doing very well.

Noah is a non-releasable, one-legged homing pigeon that we have here in
rehab. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in...even
sleeping in front of the door to the cage.
Then, 2 days ago, I only counted 2 bunnies in the cage, so I hurriedly
picked Noah up from the front of the cage so I could look inside. And to my
surprise...there was the tiny bunny...under Noah's wing...sound asleep! The
bunny had crawled through the cage....preferring a featherbed, no doubt.
Now, they are all together, and the bunnies are doing GREAT. When the
bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he extends his wings out to
surround them..and they snuggle. When one of them moves and they start
sticking out here and there, he gently pushes them back under him with his
beak!!!!! This is amazing!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This is What Democracy Looks Like

Over 1200 people from around the world came together in order to speak out for Troy Davis. politicians, clergy, artists and family members all gave speeches on the front steps of the Georgia State Capitol. I learned a lot at this event. The Davis family is not upset with police, in large part because Troy's father was a policeman. One speaker discussed how proponents of the death penalty like Bob Barr are calling for this case to be reheard. One constant theme was the need to speak up, because this will continue to happen to others until we do.

Troy's mother thanked everyone for caring enough to speak up for her son.

Troy's sister gave a powerful speech
This man told his own story of being on death row for almost 18 years before finally being proven innocent and given $100 by the state of Florida. The pain that this man suffered brought me to tears.

This Savannah minister was very compassionate and moving in his speech.
Relevent song from Stahhr tha f.e.m.c.e.e.

Aaron from The Howlies showed up to support the cause

Atlanta Progressive News has really good coverage of both this story and the rally.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Senate Sides with Credit Card Holders

The Senate voted 90-5 to stop credit card companies from charging exorbitatant fees and arbitrarily raising an individuals interest rate. If the current legislation passes, it will give the credit card industry nine months to change the way it does business:


- Takes effect nine months after enactment, except for requirement of notice before interest rates are increased, which goes into effect in 90 days.

- Bans double-cycle billing, which eliminates the interest-free period for consumers who move from paying the full balance monthly to carrying a balance.

- Prohibits retroactive rate increases unless the cardholder is at least 60 days behind in paying the bill. If a person does fall behind and the rate on past buys is increased, lenders must restore the lower rate after six months if the cardholder has paid monthly bills on time.

- Requires lenders to post their credit card agreements on the Internet.

- Requires that customers receive 45 days notice before rates are increased.

- Requires anyone under 21 to prove that they can repay the money before being given a card, or have a parent or guardian promise to pay off their debt if they default.

- Prohibits over-the-limit fees unless a cardholder elects to be allowed to go over a limit.

- Requires lenders to say how much time it would take and how much money in interest would be paid if only the minimum monthly payments are made.

- Requires that gift cards remain valid for five years.

- Bans "pay-to-pay" fees, which are charged when someone pays the bill by phone or on the Internet.


- Take effect in July 2010.

- Require banks to give customers a reasonable time, such as 21 days, to pay the bill before it is considered late.

- Require banks to give customers 45 days notice before raising interest rates on new purchases, even if the customer is late or delinquent in paying the account.

- Prohibit, in most cases, retroactive rate increases. Does not include a provision that would require lenders to reduce the rate after six months if the person pays on time.

- Prohibit double-cycle billing.

- Limit excessive fees charged on subprime credit cards, which are marketed to people with bad credit.

Aim for the Sky

Get ready to relax with this track from Aim
song is only about three minutes

Introducing The Deadbeats who start this video off with a silver lining

"An Injustice Anywhere Is An Injustice Everywhere"

I saw this quote on a monument outside after visiting the National Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.
"First they came for the Communists but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the socialist and the Trade Unionists but I was not one of them, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews but I was not Jewish so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me."
Martin Niemoeller

Tonight is your chance to do something really positive. What would you do if someone you cared about was sentenced to death without receiving a far trial? Would you sit quietly on your couch and do nothing? If we allow this to happen now it very well could happen to someone you know and love tomorrow. Please take the time to click on the following link and sign the petition for Troy Davis and/or attend a rally/protest. Let your voice be heard.

Happy Belated Mothers Day

This goes out to all Moms

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hero Of The Day Ben Hameen

I'd like to try out a new series of stories focusing on people who uplift and inspire us. Let's start with Ben Hameen who is a true hero and if you have met me then you have heard of him. Hameen has been my favorite musician since I was about 16 when he was leading a group called Live On Arrival, a.k.a. LOA, originally The Brothers. Collective Efforts is his current group which has three full albums under their belt and another on the way. Ben grew up in the Atlanta area around little 5 points and attended Grady High School. He went on to Georgia State where he majored in Sociology, specializing in Race and Urban Studies. While in school he worked for a men's shelter in the Lake Clair Community. This guy is positivity in motion. He heals people with his music which is based in hip hop but crosses all genres, classes, colors, ages, and even languages. He pours his heart, soul, and knowledge into his work and it shows. I can't even guestimate the number of times his music has helped me through rough times. Not bragadocious in the least, he can usually be found in his studio creating musical medicine. Hameen doesn't just teach through beats and lyrics, he leads by example. Better Late Than Never, his website, is a gold mine of motivation, inspiration, insight, and perspective.

Here he is with Collective Efforts and Dutch artists Pete Philly&Perquisite

CE with Sound Tribe Sector 9 and Gripplyaz

Here he is with Live On Arrival on guitar and 2nd vocalist you hear

Friday, May 15, 2009

Universal Appeal

Guitar, a German producer blends organic and electronic music in a very natural way. Check out the song Akiko. Not really a fan of the others but Akiko is amazing.

Andrew Bird is a genius. Some hybrid of classical, gypsy, new orleans, pop and that's just on one song.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What a remix

I've enjoyed Citizen Cope a modern blues/singer-songwriter/hip hop musician. You've eard his music on Pontiac and other comercials. I found a couple great collaborations today. I just started listening to Rhymefest, a rapper out of chicago who has worked with Kanye West. I happened to stumble upon this remix of a Citizen Cope song with Rhymefest vocals on top. This video makes three powerful statements over beautiful music.

Here is Citizen Cope with Carlos Santana

Reutuers Mainstream Goes Green!

I have noticed I rarely receive either uplifting environmental or economic news. Reuters, the global news network, has created a new section that provides both at the same time, Green Business. I strongly suggest this site for anyone concerned with the planet, the all mighty dollar, the future, health, food... this site is truly remarkable. Sections include Green Business Technology, Green Building, Green Energy, Carbon Emissions, Corporate Responsibilities, and many more.

Calm After the Storm

These instrumental tracks uplifted me today. Hope they can do the same for you.

had to add this after seeing it. Thank you Keena.

Big Ups!

My roommate, Dillon Maurer, is doing a show with J LIVE! Respect! If you enjoy music that makes your head nod and spine tingle this is not to be missed. And this just in...Collective Efforts goes to Six Flags Friday May 22nd.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Chance to Speak Up for Justice

Troy Davis was charged with the murder of a savannah police officer. He was found guilty without any physical evidence, no murder weapon, and all but two witnesses have recanted their stories. Many of which signed sworn affidavits stating that they were coerced by police to testify against Davis. The principle alternative suspect, Sylvester "Red" Coles, is one of the two witness who hasn't recanted their testimony. Davis, who is on death row, has a 30 day stay of execution that will expire soon. Luckily people around the world are taking notice and action. To learn more about the case or figure out how to get involved click the picture below.

Baby Steps Toward a Brighter Future

Iranian American journalist, Roxana Saberi, was released from Iranian prison. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put pressure on the court to "be fair." This signals a dramatic change in US Iranian relations. Ahmadinejad is seeking re-election next month and "taking serious steps toward improving ties with the United States... would be to his interest." While this doesn't mean we are best friends yet, it may be enough to steer our nations off of what appeared to be a certain warpath. You can find more on this story on most major news websites.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

We need more sites like these...

This is a great idea, Tommy, and as you can see, most of the major sites offering this kind of news could use a lot of improvement (especially on the graphic tip, Mil, where you at??).

Here are some other secular good news sources out there:

With a few more contributors from different age-groups and backgrounds, I can see The Silver Lining becoming a great place for people to exchange positive ideas, maybe on a more local or personal level, or whatever...anyway, maybe checking some of these sites can give you/us an idea of what works and what doesn't, or some more insight into what kind of news people consider to be positive.

Keep it coming, and I'll do my best to contribute as much as possible!

Speaking of good vibrations, there is some new music up on Better Late Than Never.

The World of Ben Hameen

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blessings in Disguise The Saline Solution

World renowned founder of university of Arizona's Environmental Research Center, atmospheric physicist, and mathematician, Carl Hodges seems to have come up with a solution to some of our environmental issues. In fact he came up with the plan back in the 80's. Hodges believes that making the desert bloom is the answer and sea asparagus, Salicornia bigelovii, is the crop of the future. Big love indeed. Salicornia can be used for food, oil, and it can be turned into biofuel- without taking up limited fresh water, good soil, or distorting food prices. The idea involves using the rising sea levels to irrigate deserts. Hodges implemented his plan on 1,000 acres of desert in Sonora, Mexico. He has identified 50 other possible sites in 34 countries, which he says would suck up enough sea water to counteract our rising sea levels. NASA scientists have said that 90%, I repeat 90%, of the worlds energy needs could be supplied by growing plants like salicornia in this method across an area the size of the Sahara. Despite all the current end of the world media coverage, there is always cause for hope, thanks to problem solvers like Hodge. For more info go to the official website Seawater

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prince of Whales uses frog to save rainforests

Wow, a world leader using his powers to enlist the support of Robin Williams, Harrison Ford, and the Dalai Lama. This is a great use of the internet. I fully endorse

'Playing For Change' Global Music Peace Movement

Artists from all over the world play on an amazing project for a brighter future. NPR is all over it.
It's really uplifting to hear people all over the world working for the betterment of mankind.

Check out these videos to see and hear what all the hubbub is about:

Here is the official site:

check out NPR's story here.

Monday, May 4, 2009

When Pigs Fly

Heard some great news today on the radio. Mexico says the swine flu seems to have leveled off. They say we're not out of the woods yet, but there is cause for hope and celebration. If you have been watching the news at all it seemed like the plague was upon us. I've taken away a valuable lesson which is to constantly be learning about building up and maintaining a strong immune system. Diet, exercise, hygiene, and supplements are all important. Also heads up on essential oils and the role they can play in boosting your bodies defenses. So wash your hands, eat your greens, do your yoga and live without the paranoia and fear fed by the media.

Speaking of flying pigs, guitar genius Matt Weiss of Collective Efforts, Bass legend Murph of Sound Tribe Sector Nine, and company put on this amazing Pink Floyd tribute at the Georgia Theatre in Athens. Check out this Pigs on the Wing video.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

29 Trips Around the Sun

I just celebrated another birthday and am reminded how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life. Yeah Taurus'. Here are some people that have inspired and uplifted me.

As always my big brother and roommate Ben Hameen, roommate J Mill and Collective Efforts are the main staple.

My man Xavier Rudd spreading that universal love...

A hero from high school, David Ryan Harris

My roommate Dillon just got back from recording in Berlin.

Much Needed Help Comes to Georgia

Remember that $787 billion stimulus package? Well it looks like Georgia is set to receive billions of "stimuli." Check out atlanta progressive news for a breakdown of funds. Look for big money going to education, healthcare, childcare, and transportation.

One Small Step for Man...

Silver Lining

Definition: A hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty

I haven't been able to watch "the news" for a long time. Over sensationalized stories usually about crime, corruption, celebrity, or tragedies that "get good ratings". Watching the news depresses me. Discussing this one night my friend, Sean Miller and I came up with the idea for a positive news source. We jokingly called it "The Good Shit." For years we didn't do much with the idea. I eventually tried to start an online news source named The Good News. Many people said they thought the name was "religious sounding." After changing names many times, even today, I've settled on the current title. I hope this blog will be the first step of many to provide comfort and spread positivity. My plan is to eventually make this into an online news website focusing on individual communities. I'd like this blog to be open for all to post on. Any positive news is welcome. From finding your lost keys to saving the world I want to hear it. Want to make fun of a current headline? Do it here. To share your good news email me @