Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Small Step for Man...

Silver Lining

Definition: A hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty

I haven't been able to watch "the news" for a long time. Over sensationalized stories usually about crime, corruption, celebrity, or tragedies that "get good ratings". Watching the news depresses me. Discussing this one night my friend, Sean Miller and I came up with the idea for a positive news source. We jokingly called it "The Good Shit." For years we didn't do much with the idea. I eventually tried to start an online news source named The Good News. Many people said they thought the name was "religious sounding." After changing names many times, even today, I've settled on the current title. I hope this blog will be the first step of many to provide comfort and spread positivity. My plan is to eventually make this into an online news website focusing on individual communities. I'd like this blog to be open for all to post on. Any positive news is welcome. From finding your lost keys to saving the world I want to hear it. Want to make fun of a current headline? Do it here. To share your good news email me @

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