Monday, May 4, 2009

When Pigs Fly

Heard some great news today on the radio. Mexico says the swine flu seems to have leveled off. They say we're not out of the woods yet, but there is cause for hope and celebration. If you have been watching the news at all it seemed like the plague was upon us. I've taken away a valuable lesson which is to constantly be learning about building up and maintaining a strong immune system. Diet, exercise, hygiene, and supplements are all important. Also heads up on essential oils and the role they can play in boosting your bodies defenses. So wash your hands, eat your greens, do your yoga and live without the paranoia and fear fed by the media.

Speaking of flying pigs, guitar genius Matt Weiss of Collective Efforts, Bass legend Murph of Sound Tribe Sector Nine, and company put on this amazing Pink Floyd tribute at the Georgia Theatre in Athens. Check out this Pigs on the Wing video.

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