Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blessings in Disguise The Saline Solution

World renowned founder of university of Arizona's Environmental Research Center, atmospheric physicist, and mathematician, Carl Hodges seems to have come up with a solution to some of our environmental issues. In fact he came up with the plan back in the 80's. Hodges believes that making the desert bloom is the answer and sea asparagus, Salicornia bigelovii, is the crop of the future. Big love indeed. Salicornia can be used for food, oil, and it can be turned into biofuel- without taking up limited fresh water, good soil, or distorting food prices. The idea involves using the rising sea levels to irrigate deserts. Hodges implemented his plan on 1,000 acres of desert in Sonora, Mexico. He has identified 50 other possible sites in 34 countries, which he says would suck up enough sea water to counteract our rising sea levels. NASA scientists have said that 90%, I repeat 90%, of the worlds energy needs could be supplied by growing plants like salicornia in this method across an area the size of the Sahara. Despite all the current end of the world media coverage, there is always cause for hope, thanks to problem solvers like Hodge. For more info go to the official website Seawater

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