Thursday, May 28, 2009

David Stanley Freeman

I have looked up to this guy for many years. To say we did not meet as friends would be an understatement. He was my recent ex's boyfriend, and I was his girlfriends recent ex. One year later we were living under the same roof and had become brothers in friendship. It is impossible not to like the man. He is undoubtedly my favorite social commentator, making everyone around him laugh. He has the innate ability of saying things most people won't and getting away with it. I have neither read nor heard a more brilliantly descriptive voice. He breaks down the most complex systems and issues in a way that makes you feel smarter for having seen through his eyes for a moment. Imagery drips from his pen and flys from his lips. He is well known around Atlanta and loved by those who know him. Three Cheers to my hero DJ DSF!!!

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