Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This is What Democracy Looks Like

Over 1200 people from around the world came together in order to speak out for Troy Davis. politicians, clergy, artists and family members all gave speeches on the front steps of the Georgia State Capitol. I learned a lot at this event. The Davis family is not upset with police, in large part because Troy's father was a policeman. One speaker discussed how proponents of the death penalty like Bob Barr are calling for this case to be reheard. One constant theme was the need to speak up, because this will continue to happen to others until we do.

Troy's mother thanked everyone for caring enough to speak up for her son.

Troy's sister gave a powerful speech
This man told his own story of being on death row for almost 18 years before finally being proven innocent and given $100 by the state of Florida. The pain that this man suffered brought me to tears.

This Savannah minister was very compassionate and moving in his speech.
Relevent song from Stahhr tha f.e.m.c.e.e.

Aaron from The Howlies showed up to support the cause

Atlanta Progressive News has really good coverage of both this story and the rally.

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